Benjamin M. Crowley

About Me

Hi, my name's Ben Crowley! I'm currently working as a North America Rotational Engineer at Evonik Industries. My first rotation is at the 1800 acre Mobile, AL speacility chemicals plant working primarily as a plant engineer. I graduated from Louisiana State University in 2023 with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Electrical Engineering. My unique combination of mechanical and electrical engineering education combined with chemical engineering work expiernce has given me exceptional cross discipline functionality and communication. I plan to pursue a Master of Business Admistration (MBA) in the coming years to further my education and leadership skills. Please feel free to contact me through the contact section or through my LinkedIn at


The professsional content of this website includes my resume, CV, portfolio, and a breakdown of indivudal sections. My resume covers the most importnat and relavent content from a professional perspective. The CV covers an extensive history of education, work expiernce, extracurricluars, projects, volunteering/social work, achievements, awards, and certifications. These histories are seperated in the indivual sections tab, where you can find highlights from any of the previously mentioned categories for your ease of use. 


The personal content includes some of my intrests and passions outside of the workplace. I have always been a big advocate for health and fitness and want to share my journey and learn from others about their experiences for the benefit of everyone. The health and fitness section includes my workouts, diets, supplements, and routines that I believe through scientific literature and personal experience have benfited me. I've also always had a passion for finances and have included some information on my portfolio, investing thesis, and potential future real estate endeavors. Finally, I have included an entertainment section on my two cats Goldfish and Shadow. I'm happy to discuss anything in these section and learn from others on their thoughts and perspectives.